Program for Equity in Adolescent & Child Health
Research and improvement are the processes; equity is the outcome
Welcome to the Program for Equity in Adolescent & Child Health (PEACH)!
PEACH is an innovative research and improvement program committed to improving equity in pediatric care and experience. We take an interdisciplinary, data-driven approach to identifying inequities and use quality improvement expertise to develop systems-level approaches to eliminating any inequities identified. PEACH is supported by 13 clinical departments/divisions in the School of Medicine, along with Mott Hospital, the Office for Health Equity and Inclusion, Poverty Solutions, and several other units at the University of Michigan. In addition, this project was made possible by funding provided by the Children's Foundation.
If there is an equity issue you’ve thought about, observed, or experienced and want to work with PEACH to evaluate and address it, please share your idea here and we will reach out to schedule a meeting with you.
Note that residents and fellows are welcome to work with PEACH but require a committed faculty or senior staff mentor to serve as a co-lead on the project and share responsibility for its completion.
If you’re curious about the project guidelines or want to know more about PEACH and what’s involved in exploring an equity issue, we would love to hear from you!
Latest News
After a PEACH study proves inequities exist in kangroo care (KC) at University of Michigan Health C.S. Mott Children's Hopsital, new data following quality improvement efforts show KC for White and Black babies is nearly identical now, and each group exceeds the goal of 60 minutes a day.
If you are interested in issues of child health equity, please join us for two presentations: Karin Muraszko, MD, and medical student Kennedy Miller have initiated a project to determine whether there are inequities in the routine follow-up care provided to infants who have intraventricular shunts; Anisha Coughlin, MD, is assessing any potential inequity in the sepsis detection and management measures at Mott Hospital. Lunch is on us if you RSVP.
Latest Video
01.28.25 PEACH Seminar
Justine P. Wu, M.D., M.P.H., presents on Intersecting Mixed Methods with Equity and Justice Research. Dr. Wu, a family physician with advanced clinical and research training in family planning, is co-director of U-M’s Mixed Methods Program and is a formal scholar of the National Institutes of Health Mixed Methods Research Training Program. As the co-founder and co-director of the Antiracism and Health Equity Program (AREP) in the Department of Family Medicine, she's committed to promoting antiracist processes and practices to confront structural racism and address racial health inequities.